Old News List

Dec. 8th, 2024
Playoff point earned system will be awarded as : Win =65, Tie=25, Loss=0, TD=3, Cas=2.
It has been used in the past.
Also a roll of 9 for a casualty on a stunty player (stunty casualty) will not count towards one’s points in the playoff point system. It will still happen ‘in-game’ though. Just not for your playoff points.

First round will be played from December 9 until January 11, 2025.
Second and Third round will be played Jan.11/2025.
There will be NO purchasing of Star Players during the playoffs (all three rounds).

Round 1 matchups of playoffs will be based on regular season final standings.
1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 4v5.

Starting in round 1 of playoffs there is a new point system . This new point system is how the playoff matchups will be decided. See above for playoff points earned system.

Round 2 matchups of playoffs will be decided on points earned in round 1.
Round 2 matchups of playoffs will be 1v2, 3v4, 5v6, 7v8. Tied players will decide their ranking by going back to final regular season standing.

Round 3 matchups of playoffs will be 1v2, 3v4, 5v6, 7v8.
Round 3 matchups will be decided on all points earned from round 1 and round 2.
Ties will be decided on round 2 of playoffs if still tied then it will be decided on Round 1 playoff points. If still tied then the tie will be decided jon final season standings.

If after all games are played and there is still a tie to decide winner then we will decide what to do at that time.

There can only be one winner for the trophy.
- Todd
Oct. 27th, 2024
Spike Trophy Finals
Liam will be hosting at his place on Saturday January 11, 2025.

Start time 10:00 am - 7 pm ish.

We will order some pizza during intermission. Discuss any rules, ideas, clarifications for Bloodbowl.

Ask Liam for his address if you need it.
- Todd
Oct. 27th, 2024
First Round Playoffs Spike
The first round will start on December 9,2024.
It will be 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, and 4v5.

Then there will be a day (date and place forthcoming) where we will all meet and play 2 games each to determine the winner.

Liam has offered to host this get together.

Finish all your matches and challenges that you can before you play the first round. Once you play your first round matchup then no other matches or challenges may be played.

The 2 games one plays on the day of the finals. will be on a point system. TD’s, casualties, etc will be used to decide a winner. We have used this system in the past and it seemed to work well.
- Todd
Sep. 5th, 2024
I Am not careful enough.
i broke my phone so sry if anyone has been trying to get ahold of me for bb stuff. new phone will be here monday or so, once it arrives I will be able to respond.

Good luck with the new season looking forward to playing yall.

- Liam
Sep. 4th, 2024
We will decide on MVP like we did before (old timers know what I’m talking about).
Coach A picks 2 different players from his team that he wants mvp to go to. Opposing coach picks another different player from coach A’s team that he wants mvp to go to.
Decide randomly among the 3 players selected who will get MVP.
Different in this context means a separate player number.
Perform this process for both teams.
If you have a concession match then you still need another coach to pick. Preferably the coach you were supposed to play.
- Todd
Sep. 1st, 2024
New Season Spike Cup
We have 7 players. There will be a ghost team that will be used to make schedule even. You will play each team once as a match game. If you aren’t scheduled for a game for a round that means you are with the ghost team. No points awarded for that ghost game.
You can play one challenge game per round.
You can play your match games out of order because of life.
You can challenge same player over if you need to. Try to challenge everyone though.
Playoffs will be 1v 8, 2v 7, 3v6, 4v5. Winners will play a short schedule for cup. Losers will play a short schedule for glittering prize.
If you play ghost then that is a buy and you get to move to next round during playoffs. It will be treated as a 2-0 win for you.

Have fun. Welcome back everyone and special welcome to Riley.

Schedule will be posted in the next couple hours.

Commissioner - Todd
- Todd
Oct. 5th, 2023
Schedule conflict
Hey all!
If your schedules are not matching up with the dates of your game feel free to play your game ahead of time or in the wrong order if necessary!!

- Liam
Sep. 9th, 2023
Chaos Skedge
Round 1 Sept 10-23
Isaiah v Liam
Todd v Mark

Round 2 sept 24-oct 7
Isaiah v Todd
Mark v Liam

Round 3 oct 8-21
Mark v Isaiah
Liam v Todd

Round 4 oct 22-4 nov
Same as 1

Round 5 nov 5-18
Same as 2

Round 6 nov 19-2 dec
Same as 3
- Liam
Aug. 5th, 2023
Pairings are in.

Mark v Todd for the dungeon bowl

Liam v Isaiah for the glittering prize

Good luck!!
- Liam
July 24th, 2023
Semi Finals
Pairings are:

Mark v Liam

Todd v Isaiah

Good luck!! (imma need it the most)
- Liam
Apr. 30th, 2023
Dungeon Skedge
Season starts today, due to lack of time i think one team is enough, there will be 6 rounds instead of 5 so everyone plays everyone twice.

Round 1 (1st-13th)

Mark v Liam
Isaiah v Todd

Round 2 (14th -27th)

Todd v Liam
Isaiah v Mark

Round 3 (28th - 10th)

Todd v Mark
Liam v Isaiah

Round 4 (11th - 24th)

Same parings as round one

Round 5 (25th - 8th)

Same as round 2

Round 6 (9 - 22)

Same as round 3

Tourney is July 23rd - august 4th

Finals the 5th of august book it now!
- Liam
Mar. 13th, 2023
Q.F. pairings are in!
Here are your match ups. Pascal and Darin's teams will not be participating in the final tourney.

Marc v Todd
Tyler v Isaiah
Layne v Liam

Matches are keyed for this already. Good luck to everyone in the finals.
- Ler™
Jan. 2nd, 2023
Mithril 22 is live + Skedge
Here we go!

Season is now active. Matches for the 5 rounds are keyed. Arrange your challenges as you see fit and come out swingin'!

Round 1 (Jan 2nd - Jan. 15th)

Isaiah v Darin
Liam v Tyler
Pascal v Layne
Todd v Tiny

Round 2 (Jan 16th - Jan 29th)

Isaiah v Liam
Pascal v Tiny
Todd v Layne
Darin v Tyler

Round 3 (Jan 30th - Feb. 12th)

Isaiah v Tiny
Liam v Todd
Pascal v Tyler
Layne v Darin

Round 4 (Feb 13th - Feb 26th)

Isaiah v Tyler
Liam v Pascal
Tiny v Layne
Darin v Todd

Round 5 (Feb 27th - Mar 12th)

Isaiah v Pascal
Liam v Layne
Tiny v Darin
Tyler v Todd

Tourney (Mar 13th - Mar 24th)

Finals are Saturday Mar 25th. Book it off today!
- Ler™
Nov. 22nd, 2022
More Details for the Finals
Todd has graciously offered to host the final tourney. He will permit entrance to his residence at 10am the morning of the 3rd. Todd's house can be found at:

16 Elliott Str. SE

First game will run from 10:30am until roughly 13:00. We will take a break for 1 hour to eat pizza and conduct the end of season League Meeting. The finals will run from 14:00 until roughly 17:00.

Reminder to everyone that they should bring 15$ to contribute to League website fees and then additional money for any Pizza you plan to consume.

See you all there.
- Ler™
Nov. 21st, 2022
Final Tourney is live!
Starting today, we are know in the throws of the final tourney. Here are your pairings:

Pascal v Pierce
Todd v Tyler
Darin v Isaiah
Tiny v Liam

You have until the 2nd of Dec. to complete your match. I have keyed the matches into the season already, so key em' up when you get em' played.
- Ler™
Sep. 9th, 2022
Blood Bowl '22 Skedge
Week 1 (Sept.12th - Sept.25th)

Todd v Ler
Darin v Tiny
Liam v Pascal

Isaiah - Bye

Week 2 (Sept.26th - Oct.9th)

Ler v Isaiah
Liam v Darin
Todd v Tiny

Pascal - Bye

Week 3 (Oct.10th - Oct.23rd)

Ler v Tiny
Liam v Isaiah
Pascal v Darin

Todd - Bye

Week 4 (Oct.24th - Nov.6th)

Ler v Liam
Todd v Pascal
Isaiah v Darin

Tiny - Bye

Week 5 (Nov.7th - Nov.20th)

Ler v Darin
Todd v Isaiah
Pascal v Tiny

Liam - Bye

Finals: Nov. 21st - Dec. 2nd

Final Tourney: Dec 3rd (Book it now!)
- Ler™
Sep. 8th, 2022
Welcome Back and Just plain Welcome!
Hey All,

We are going live with the '22 Blood Bowl Season, the schedule will be posted later today. We will have 7 active coaches this season with a strong possibility of 9+ next season. Just want to take a minute to welcome and reintroduce some folks who will be joining us for the first time and some returning coaches from the days of ol'.

- Tyler 'Ler' McMuck - Old commish, kind of a loser, has way too many kids.

- Darin C. - Old hand at the game, part of the league at it's inception, one of the first 8 coaches of The MHBBL. Probably the nicest guy you will lose to this season.

- Liam 'The Boy' McMuck - Commissioner's oldest Son and if he finds out you went easy on him, your team will be subject to random firings.

- Isaiah S. - Liam's Cousin and the coach of our leagues newest Dwarf team. This squad ruled over the 'homeschool league', a subset of the MHBBL. Isaiah is eager to find out just how badly his team will be throttled by the big boys.

Look for the schedule to be posted here this evening. Due to the odd number of coaches (7), there will be bye's this season following all the old rules. All coaches should feel free to arrange challenge matches in their stead, otherwise, these coaches will be awarded the standard 2-0, 2MVP freebee.

Looking forward to sitting across the pitch from you all this season. :)
- Ler™
Dec. 30th, 2021
Beer League 3.0
New Beer League has started!

Join and try out some new teams.

There is no final. Play as much as you want. Play when you want. Play who you want. Play where you want.

There is no end to this league. Just keep playing and trying out stuff.

This is a sandbox type of league.


**** IMPORTANT ***

When you are in the BEER LEAGUE
DON'T have the beer league stats added into regular standings.


in the 'match result contributes to the group standings' box , choose the option of 'NO ITS A PLAYOFF OR TRAINING MATCH'

Much thanks.

Contact commissioner Todd with any questions. Text at 403- 548-1851.
- Todd
Dec. 30th, 2021
Final for Spike 2021
Tiny wins cup
Pascal wins Gol Bol
- Todd
Oct. 16th, 2021
Playoffs for Spike 2021
Finals will be played on weekend of Dec. 18 /19. at Todd's place. Details forthcoming.
- Todd
Oct. 2nd, 2021
Schedule glitch
Weird schedule glitch.

Round 4 should start on Nov. 15/2021
Round 5 should start on Nov. 29/2021
- Todd
Oct. 2nd, 2021
Cory needs $$
Hi guys.

Cory needs money to pay for this site.

I Will let Cory explain the money he needs.
- Todd
Oct. 2nd, 2021
The Schedule is up
The schedule is posted.

You can play one challenge per 'week'.
- Todd
Oct. 2nd, 2021
MVP Selection
The MVP shall be random from all players in your roster that were able to play.

Choose MVP as how we used to select it from a few years ago. Do not pick a couple guys to earn it.

eg. use a d16 to choose.
- Todd
Oct. 1st, 2021
Schedule will be posted
Once the season opens then the full schedule should show up.

This is schedule for week one: Children of the Khorne v Woodland Realm, Great Odin's Ravens v Insurrectionists.

5 week season. Top 4 teams make the playoffs. One v Four, Two v Three. Winners advance to play for the cup. Losers play for a glittering prize.
- Todd
Sep. 11th, 2021
We’re back !
Hello everyone. It’s been a long time but we made it. We are starting with a new slate. New teams and new commish (Todd). We will keep playing rules that we had.

- Todd
Aug. 26th, 2019
Skedge is up!
Get yer' matches set up people!
- Ler™
July 30th, 2019
Dungeon Bowl Wrap up
Hey all,

Congrats to Tiny for his tie/win in the finals. I will be making a separate post in the forums about some of the ideas set forth from our brief meeting.

Doug is the winner of the B bracket, please inform me of your choice of minor trophy from the mantle.

Important dates for next season:

Chaos 2019 Start up - Sept. 2nd

Round 1: Sept. 2nd - 15th
Round 2: Sept 16th - 29th
Round 3: Sept. 30th - Oct. 13th
Round 4: Oct. 14th - 27th
Round 5: Oct. 28th - Nov. 10th

Final Tourney: Nov. 11th - 22nd

Finals: Nov. 23rd

For now, we will say we are hosting at the Hertwood again, but that may change. I will post here if we have a change of venue of course.

Anyway, have a lovely Summer, I'll see you all sooner than later. :)
- Ler™
July 15th, 2019
Pairings for the Finals
Dave and Layne will not be able to join us for the finals this go around, which leaves us at 7.

Tiny earns the Bye.

Neil v Doug
Cory v Pascal
Tyler v Todd

We meet for the semis at the Heartwood Café, 10:00 am on the morning of the 27th. See the rest of you there.
- Ler™
Apr. 16th, 2019
Important dates for Dungeon 2019!
Hey all,

Based on some vacation and conflicts from League members, I've decided to run the same 5 round format again. So, here's all the relevant dates for next season. I can put together the skege once I've heard back from Neil and our possible new coach.

Round 1: May 6th - 19th
Round 2: May 20th - June 2nd
Round 3: June 3rd - 16th
Round 4: June 17th - 30th
Round 5: July 1st - 14th

QF's: July 15th - 26th

Finals: July 27th

Book off the finals today. :)
- Ler™
Apr. 1st, 2019
Scores from the QF's and semi's pairings!
Here's the results from the first round:

Layne: 78 A
Dave: 78 B
Tiny: 74 A
Cory: 71 A
Todd: 28
Neil: 28
Pascal: 6 B
Tyler: 4 B
Doug: 3 B

So, Pairings will be:

A Bracket:

Layne v Tiny
Cory v Todd

B Bracket:

Dave v Neil
Pascal v Tyler

Doug has the bye!

As a reminder, Dave is the only coach guaranteed two matches the day of the semi's and no one can have two bye's in the tourney.

Doug and Dave, we can roll up the results of your bye's before the tourney starts. I will be there at 9:30 to set up. :)
- Ler™
Mar. 25th, 2019
QF's Pairings!
Matches are keyed and you gots 10 days to play. :)

Tiny v Pascal
Layne v Tyler
Cory v Doug
Todd v Neil
- Ler™
Dec. 24th, 2018
Schedule is posted!
Mithril 19 is up. I am waiting to hear back from Doug about his team, so for now, he is listed as DOUG on the skedge. I have also pre-keyed all the matches for the season with the exception of any match Doug's team will be involved in.

Byes are as follows:

Round 1 - Doug
Round 2 - Tiny
Round 3 - Pascal
Round 4 - Tyler
Round 5 - Neil
Round 6 - Dave

Todd, Cory and Layne do not have byes. Remember that those that do can play an extra challenge that week to make up for the lost game.

Good Luck everyone, and have a wonderful holiday.
- Ler™
Nov. 25th, 2018
Important dates for next season!
Just wanted to let everyone know when next season starts and also to give everyone ample time to book off the end of season tournament.

Mithril 2019 begins Dec. 31st.

Round 1 - Dec. 31st - Jan. 13th
Round 2 - Jan. 14th - Jan. 27th
Round 3 - Jan. 28th - Feb. 10th
Round 4 - Feb. 11th - Feb. 24th
Round 5 - Feb. 25th - Mar. 10th
Round 6 - Mar. 11th - Mar. 24th

QF's - Mar. 25th thru April 5th

Final Tourney - Apr. 6th

Book the time off today!
- Ler™
Nov. 23rd, 2018
Semi's Pairings
Ok, QF's are concluded and here's where we stand now:

A Bracket:

Todd - 84
Tiny - 51
Cory - 51
Tyler - 43

B Bracket:

Layne - 41
Dave - 4
Pascal - 0
Neil - 0

Becase we have a tie score in the top tier and no ruling in place at the time of this writing to determine the pairings, I have decided that season standings will break the tie.

This means the Semi's match ups are:

Todd v Tiny
Cory v Tyler

Layne v Dave
Neil v Pascal

Good Luck everyone, See you tomorrow.
- Ler™
Nov. 12th, 2018
QF Pairings
So, with Doug out of the running, Here's where we stand:

Tiny gets a bye for 1st.

Cory plays Pascal
Todd plays Dave
Tyler plays Layne

When we play the Semi's, It's my hope that Neil will fill a place in the B bracket and bring us back up to 8 coaches. I'm still waiting to hear back from him on that though.

You have until the 23rd to play your QF match, and as always, feel free to play other games in between, but the pairings are firm and will not change based on further movement within the standings.
- Ler™
Aug. 28th, 2018
Schedule is posted! + News
Yay, skedge is done! One thing you may notice is that this season, i've only listed 5 round. This is an effort to wrap up the season before December. I hope this accomplishes my goals of making the finals more attend able and giving everyone the time with their families during times of stress and joy.

Everyone can still play 12 matches if you like, just take an extra challenge if you have the time/inclination.

Looking forward to this Clash of Titans. Eric will not be joining us this season, Neil is on the mend and welcome back the Prodigal son, The Doubler, fielding this seasons only-est Undead Squad. Methinks that Regen is going to come in handy....
- Ler™
May 1st, 2018
Schedule is posted!

I've done away with the match linking the match report. Lots of work for a feature I'm pretty sure no one is really using....

I'm so ready to get started....
- Ler™
Apr. 18th, 2018
Important Dates for Next Season
Monday May 7th - Chaos Cup 2018 begins.

Round 1: May 7th - May 20th
Round 2: May 21st - June 3rd
Round 3: June 4th - June 17th
Round 4: June 18th - July 1st
Round 5: July 2nd - July 15th
Round 6: July 16th - July 29th

Quarter-finals: July 30th - Aug. 10th

Finals: Aug. 11th
- Ler™
Dec. 22nd, 2017
Schedule is posted!
Check it out, make plans.

As usual, I will be playing the evening before. (New Years, if anyone is into it.)
- Ler™
Dec. 4th, 2017
Spike is out, Dungeon is in!
Hey all,

Thanks to all in attendance at the finals, a good time was had by all. Now to proceed with the set up of next season...

Dungeon 18 is open for entry and here are the dates of the weeks and finals:

Round 1: Jan 1st - Jan 14th
Round 2: Jan 15th - Jan 28th
Round 3: Jan 29th - Feb 11th
Round 4: Feb 12th - Feb 25th
Round 5: Feb 26th - Mar 11th
Round 6: Ma 12th - Mar 25th

Quarter-finals: March 26th - April 6th

Finals: April 7th

Book off the time today!

I have keyed our new Inducement into the house rules (Bad Habits) and added the new Glittering prizes to the 'mantle'. I will make a separate entry under League rules for people to peruse more easily.
- Ler™
Nov. 27th, 2017
Quarter-final Pairings are in!
I think by now everyone has figured out who is playing who based on the discussion in the forums, but to make things official:

Cory vs. Doug
Tiny vs. Dave
Neil vs. Eric
Todd vs. Tyler

Matches are entered, you have until Saturday until 10:00 am to square away the match.

Good Fortune to you all except Todd, who should lose handily to the Halflings. I will post more in the forums.
- Ler™
July 30th, 2017
Blood Bowl Comes to a Close
Congrats to Cory for his hard earned win and also his 23 game undefeated streak. It was a close final against the Slann, and a victory well earned.

The season is now closed and The 2018 Mithril Spike is now up and running. If you plan to play a new team, or recruit new coaches in the off-season, let me know so I can get coaches and teams set up for you. The new season is open for entry, so if you have a retired team already built who wants to throw their hat in the ring, Fire me an e-mail and I'll get that set up for you as well.

I'd like to thank everyone for the super fun season, and I look forward to sitting across the table from you all Starting on Sept. 4th. :)

In an effort to improve attendance at next Seasons finals, here's ALL THE DATES FOR NEXT SEASON. BOOK OFF THE FINALS TOMORROW!

Dates for the Next Finals:

Round 1 - Sept. 4th thru 17th
Round 2 - Sept. 18th thru Oct. 1st
Round 3 - Oct. 2nd thru Oct. 15th
Round 4 - Oct. 16th thru Oct. 29th
Round 5 - Oct. 30th thru Nov. 12th
Round 6 - Nov. 13th thru Nov. 26th

Quarter Finals - Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st

Tourney - Dec. 2nd.
- Ler™
May 23rd, 2017
The Fresh Prince of Nuffle
Bank Roll Fre$h have finally won a game! Everything owed to Flash Gordon and my terrible dice rolls....
- Tiny
Apr. 26th, 2017
Blood Bowl Opener!
Hey All,

A formal invitation to coaches who want to play their first match of the season at my house Sunday the 30th at 9:00 pm. I have room for 4 tables and 2 are spoken for. We (mostly I) have a long standing tradition of playing my first match a day early and keying the results after midnight because i am a keener...

Eric and I will be playing our match, as well as Tiny and Layne. Hopefully someone else can make it for the blood bath that will no doubt ensue.

Post in the forum if you can make it. If you are not able to arrange a Big League Match, Beer Leaguers are also always welcome. :)
- Ler™
Apr. 9th, 2017
Chaos Cup Wrap up
Hey all, thanks for attending another excellent season and he Medicine Hat Blood Bowl League. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and had fun at the finals. I know I had a great time.

Next season marks the actual blood Bowl. The season begins on May 1st which is a Monday. I will have the new season open and running for team entry by the 15th of April. Please get in contact with me and let me know what teams you intend to register for the new season well in advance of it actually starting. This assists your favorite commissioner in building a schedule for everyone to use and enjoy.

There are very few actual rule changes from the results of our meeting at The League final. Any changes will be listed under the info for coaches tab located on the left and menu bar. Perhaps the biggest change will be to the format of the final tournament insofar as we will only play two games at the actual final one of the three matches will be played beforehand during the week that leads up to the actual tournament.

I'm already looking forward to the new season. It's always tough not playing blood Bowl in the offseason but I find it makes me enjoy the game that much more when I do get to play. Looking forward to seeing you all next season enjoy your time off until the 1st of May.:)
- Ler™
Mar. 30th, 2017
Finals Pairings
For the first round of the finals, here are the matches.

Chaos Cup Combatants:

Cory vs. Dave Allen
Tiny vs. Neil
Jordan vs. Layne
Tyler vs. Todd

The Shallow End:

Quinn vs. Ryan

The second round matches will be based on tourney points and pairings are made by who is closest in score, not by largest ranking disparity.

No one has expressed a desire to organize anything for food so I will place an order for pizza to be delivered at noon, the cost of which will be split amongst us at the event. I think Papa Johns provides 3 large pizzas for 46 dollars or some thing like that.
- Ler™
Mar. 26th, 2017
Last day of the regular season!
Technically speaking, the season ends tonight at Midnight. However, if you need more time to play your games, you can have until Thursday night at 12:00am to play your games.

I would like one day to finalize the paI rings for the finals and get things organized, sharpen my dancing cleats, you know, tourney stuff.
- Ler™
Mar. 18th, 2017
Timetable for the final tourney
We are playing at the Temple Baptist Church where Nerd Club is hosted.

606 7 St SW, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4K8

Game day is April 1

3 games starting at 9:30 am.

Registration - 9:00 - 9:30
Game 1 - 9:30 - 12:00
Lunch and meeting - 12:00 - 13:00
Game 2 - 13:00 - 1530
Game 3 - 1530 - 1800

Wrap up and awards - 1800 - 1830

Info regarding the format and prizes can be found under the 'info coaches' tab.
- Ler™
Mar. 17th, 2017
Attendance for Finals
No doubt some of you will not be able to make it to the finals on Saturday the 1st due to whathaveyou and in fact, a few people have not yet met the minimum requirement for participation of playing 3 matches or 4 different coaches. (Ryan and Eric as of this writing.)

If you know now that you are not able to make it the the finals match up, please let me know as soon as you are able. Headcount help with the planning and organization of these sorts of things...

Thanks, play some games and hope to see many of you there.
- Ler™
Dec. 22nd, 2016
Schedule is Posted!
The Schedule is done and can be accessed here on the site with the new menu tab to the left.

I have also Produced an Excel version and put it in the Google Drive Folder previously shared with you all for the whole season at a glance. It includes dates (including the date of the finals) and a rules summary of the new format all in one page.

The season officially begins on Jan 2nd, but I usually play my first game the evening before and key my results after midnight. ;)

On that note, Merry Ho Ho everyone. See you all in the new year.
- Ler™
Dec. 17th, 2016
Deadlines are fun!!
If you have yet to submit a team (Race, Name, Starting RR and FF) please do so by the 21st of this month. I intend to have built and post the new season's Schedule by Boxing Day. This will give you all 1 calendar week to arrange your first matches.

The Seasons Schedule will be posted here on the site under a tab called, you guessed it, "Schedule"!
- Ler™
Dec. 14th, 2016
In the interest of keeping things speedy and organized, I have asked both Layne and Tiny for help. They have been given titles and are super important people you should probably buy schwarma sometime.

Layne has been given the title of Graphics Administrator. He will be in charge of creating block images for the league to use, pretty-ing up the site and uploading everyone's custom images for team logo's and badges. If you want to do custom team stuff, he's your guy. He can be messaged at lsletten@gmail.com

Tiny now holds the title of Reports and Bookkeeping Administrator. He will be checking over your match records and helping expidite submission approval, making sure your players get the skills they learned and that our reports and scores are accurate. If you have questions about the reporting process or how our records work, send him a message at marc.hawken@gmail.com

I have yet to discuss with Neil the possibility of a Media Officer, but as the editor of Stomped Magazine, he does seem the natural fit...
- Ler™
Dec. 11th, 2016
New Season is Open for Entry.
Chaos Cup 2017 is open for entry. If you intend to play a different team than last season, please let me know so that I can key your team in for you. If you intend to play the same team, let me know that too.
- Ler™
Dec. 11th, 2016
Winner winner winner
Krunch wins the Dungeon Bowl.

I have successfully defended my title for the Dungeon Bowl.

Thanks to all.

An extra thanks to Hippie for rolling a one for our game that was going to double overtime. It came to a roll off and Hippie rolled a one as Todd rolled a two. This pushed Todd onto the final against Neil.

With Neil having an odd feeling with his head and all, he had to almost concede after Todd scored a touchdown.

A bit of a letdown but Todd graciously let Neil slink away with the loss without any more damage done to Neil's team.

Looking forward to playing next season.

Merry Christmas to all.
- Todd
Dec. 6th, 2016
We have Semis!!!
Congrats to Todd, Jordon, Neil and Tiny on progressing to the next round and better luck and less rain for the rest of us next time.

Just a reminder that when you play your matches at Layne's on Saturday, the gate and winnings are doubled.
- Ler™
Dec. 2nd, 2016
Dec. 10th Reminder
As we draw closer to the League final, I just wanted to make mention of a few things from seasons past. I'm really looking forward to the event and I hope you are too.

- Even if you are not playing in the semis or finals, it is still fun to attend.

- With a new Boxed edition released now and a new ruleset we are expected to adopt, there will be much to discuss the day of. Speaking of which....

- We will be having an overdue League meeting the day of. New rules, new coaches and a new year full of promise. Please attend the meeting and bring with you any questions or concerns you may have. This is the time for making suggestions to improve the league and dealing with issues you may have had throughout the season.

Can't wait to see you all there. If for some reason you can't make it/won't make it/don't want to make it, please let me know beforehand. This is a schedule heavy affair and as much notice as you can provide would be most helpful.

Also, if anyone has any friends or family that has expressed interest in playing in the league, this would be a great opportunity to show them a bit about the modest community we have built and the ins and outs of League life. (This is not however, a good opportunity to sit down at a table and commentate/learn blood bowl while someone is playing in the semis....)
- Ler™
Nov. 30th, 2016
Playoff Schedule Round 2
Winner of (Krunch vs. Pig Skins and Bones )will play winner of (Beard Brigade vs. Woodland warriors).

Winner of (Killer Bees vs. Got Wood ) will play winner of (Residents vs. Servants of Morgoth).
- Todd
Nov. 28th, 2016
Playoff Schedule Round 1
Krunch vs. Pig Skin and Bones
Killer Bees vs. Got Wood
Residents vs. Servants of Morgoth
Beard Brigade vs. Woodland Warriors.

Have your match played before Dec. 10.

Good luck.
- Todd
Oct. 24th, 2016
Dungeon Bowl 2016 !Finale!
Layne is hosting the 'Semi-finals' on Dec. 10

Only top 8 teams are able to play for the season 'cup'

Top 8 teams are those that have the most points.

Top team plays bottom team, etc.

Semi's is thus:
1 vs. 8 = A
2 vs. 7 = B
3 vs. 6 = C
4 vs. 5 = D

Finals is thus:
A vs. D
B vs. C

Extra Special:
The 9th place coach will get a free MVP.

Bring money for pizza and any donations for Tyler to keep this website running would be much appreciated.

There will be discussion during the evening regarding rules and fair play.
Bring your questions and concerns. Now will be the time to fix issues for the next season.
- Todd

Some names and images are ® reg. trademarks of Games Workshop    |    code based on Aros Blood Bowl League