************* WELCOME ************

This is the site of the Medicine Hat Blood Bowl League.
(latest update is September 9, 2024)

We are a (City of) Medicine Hat based Blood Bowl league. Situated in the South East corner of Alberta Canada.
We have been a league since 2005.

We are currently playing with 'Blood bowl living rule book 6.0' as of September 1 , 2016.

We currently run a Schedule/Challenge format. This allows for FREEDOM and STRUCTURE depending on the coaches personal schedule or desires for their team.
Each coach shall play one set match every round. (A round is typically a 2 week time frame.) Each coach is entitled to initiate a single challenge match, each round, against any coach in the current league. This challenge match is optional.

Coaches are encouraged to play all of their matches and challenges each season but are not strictly required to do so. The commissioner realizes that life is chaotic. Weird things happen. The commissioner is available to help you be able to play as many games as you are able to.

A season consists of playing for a single bloodbowl trophy (cup). Each blood bowl ‘year’ consists of 4 seasons. Each season is for a different trophy.

We are a league that encourages fun and camaraderie. We like to help others and further the gaming community. We want to play bloodbowl and will make it happen.

Welcome to our site. Enjoy.

This is not an official Games Workshop site!
Many words and images on this page are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited, and used without permission - no challenge to their status is intended.

Sep. 5th, 2024
I Am not careful enough.
i broke my phone so sry if anyone has been trying to get ahold of me for bb stuff. new phone will be here monday or so, once it arrives I will be able to respond.

Good luck with the new season looking forward to playing yall.

- Liam
Sep. 4th, 2024
We will decide on MVP like we did before (old timers know what I’m talking about).
Coach A picks 2 different players from his team that he wants mvp to go to. Opposing coach picks another different player from coach A’s team that he wants mvp to go to.
Decide randomly among the 3 players selected who will get MVP.
Different in this context means a separate player number.
Perform this process for both teams.
If you have a concession match then you still need another coach to pick. Preferably the coach you were supposed to play.
- Todd
Sep. 1st, 2024
New Season Spike Cup
We have 7 players. There will be a ghost team that will be used to make schedule even. You will play each team once as a match game. If you aren’t scheduled for a game for a round that means you are with the ghost team. No points awarded for that ghost game.
You can play one challenge game per round.
You can play your match games out of order because of life.
You can challenge same player over if you need to. Try to challenge everyone though.
Playoffs will be 1v 8, 2v 7, 3v6, 4v5. Winners will play a short schedule for cup. Losers will play a short schedule for glittering prize.
If you play ghost then that is a buy and you get to move to next round during playoffs. It will be treated as a 2-0 win for you.

Have fun. Welcome back everyone and special welcome to Riley.

Schedule will be posted in the next couple hours.

Commissioner - Todd
- Todd
Oct. 5th, 2023 - old news
Schedule conflict
Hey all!
If your schedules are not matching up with the dates of your game feel free to play your game ahead of time or in the wrong order if necessary!!

- Liam
Sep. 9th, 2023 - old news
Chaos Skedge
Round 1 Sept 10-23
Isaiah v Liam
Todd v Mark

Round 2 sept 24-oct 7
Isaiah v Todd
Mark v Liam

Round 3 oct 8-21
Mark v Isaiah
Liam v Todd

Round 4 oct 22-4 nov
Same as 1

Round 5 nov 5-18
Same as 2

Round 6 nov 19-2 dec
Same as 3
- Liam

Latest matches:
Some names and images are ® reg. trademarks of Games Workshop    |    code based on Aros Blood Bowl League