Old Bulletins

Old bulletin board
June 3rd, 2009
Those Underworld came to play!
The shambling lepers met with a huge surprise tonight as the soaring gobbo's with many heads scored T.D.after T.D.

It is with great pride and respect that the Nurgle lose to this fantastic team of fragile little mutant freaks.

Well played coach babytaker. Look out for this team in the future. They're going to be terrors.
- Ler™
Mar. 31st, 2009
Return of the guys missing pieces!
We may not be all there, but it's time to redeem this long lost group of miserable failures.

Here's to a season this coach can be proud of. Cause' we haven't had one yet.
- Ler™
The Fleshtrailers
Race:  Nurgle
Coach:  Ler™

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