Result of Chaos Cup

  Team trophy    Winner Race
& coach
  Chaos Cup   Bolgrath Berserkers  Dwarf

  Player prize    Winner Type
& team
  Top Thrower     Eroticas  Wood Elf Lineman
The Dandy Wharballs
  Top Scorer     Splinter  Gutter Runner
Maze Chasers
  Top Killer     Basil Valentine  Dwarf Blocker
Bolgrath Berserkers
  Top Killer     Ugg  Ogre
  Top Killer     Zugg  Ogre
  Top Hitter     Basil Valentine  Dwarf Blocker
Bolgrath Berserkers
  Top Interceptor     "Sailor" Jartletharb  Snotling
  Top Interceptor     Basil Valentine  Dwarf Blocker
Bolgrath Berserkers
  Season MVP     The Ballcrusher  Deathroller
Karak Kadrin Ironskulls
  Season MVP     Lugg  Ogre
  Season MVP     Jan Baptista  Dwarf Runner
Bolgrath Berserkers
  Most Improved     Dfod Tunnelsmiter  Dwarf Runner
Karak Kadrin Ironskulls
  Top Offensive Player     Dfod Tunnelsmiter  Dwarf Runner
Karak Kadrin Ironskulls
  Top Defensive Player     Basil Valentine  Dwarf Blocker
Bolgrath Berserkers

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