Nuffle's Hornets

Race:  Human
Coach:  Neil

Nuffle's Hornets team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Nov. 23rd, 2017 - old news
The Hive Awakens!
After an exceedingly quiet season, press-wise, the Hornets have taken flight again, playing a flurry of matches in preparation for the Spike Cup. After a lack luster start, the gold and black menace has rattled off a streak of four victories, thrilling fans. This despite a rash of injuries and deaths that often has left the squad depleted.

The most recent death was visited upon Cecil McNuffle who sages foretold would become the spark to propel the Hornets to another championship! Shirts were sold, shoe contracts signed, Bloodweiser kegs already bore his vissage! But alas, the sages were wrong.,.

Or were they?

Enter the CRC; the Cecil Revenge Club. This fan founded group has already taken a bounty out on Burr "The Dragon Slayer" who left Cecil in a broken heap on the ground, doing a pirouette on his skull for good measure with a gleeful laugh. That laugh will cost him in the end, according to the secret leader of the CRC. Rumour has it that even a few members of the often pillow-handed Hornets have covertly joined the club.

And now Duke McNuffle, the newest brainwashed vict... normal recruit of the team stands ready to take the pitch. We asked him if he's looking forward to the scheduled rematch against the Ironmountain Blockheads, the team responsible for Cecil's death.

"Yeah... I hear it's "Get a kill for Cecil" night. Free chainsaws to the first ten thousand Hornet fans who show up in a Cecil McNuffle jersey. Sure hope nothing bad happens to Burr, right?"

So do we all, Duke. So do we all.
- Neil
Sep. 30th, 2017 - old news
Third season Buzz!
After a disappointing end to last season, this season has started off somewhat better for the beloved Hornets. A friendly game with the Snakemen and a hard fought and bashing affair against the Undead saw our boys make it 2-0 on the season.

The latest game against Bank Roll Fresh saw an amazing back-and-forth battle, with hard headed players ignoring the coach and fouling up plays throughout the game. While salvaging a tie, it was not the greatest game for the Hornets by far, though four completions by Nelson McNuffle proved that at least he and favorite target Abraham McNuffle still have what it takes to compete.

Problematic this season -- a distinct lack of casualties. This is going to be a problem as the Nurgle are next on the schedule. We'll have to see if there is a team left after that game.

Stay tuned sports fans!
- Neil
July 27th, 2017 - old news
Ranidaphobia Nearly Ends Career!
It was a stellar day for the quarter finals match between The Beard Brigade and Nuffle's Hornets, and scores of rabid Blood Bowl fans showed up to cheer on their favorite team.

The game started off very well for the Hornets despite missing their fan favorite ogre, Thoog. They managed to stretch out the dwarf defenders and score a hard fought first touchdown halfway through the first half. After the kick off to the Beard Brigade, members of the Hornets started to end up in the medical hut as the dwarven line plowed into the humans. But thanks to an untimely case of butterfingers by Stoutly, Gerald McNuffle sprinted headlong down the field, recovered the ball and put the Hornets up a remarkable 2-0 as the half ended!

And the fans went wild!

Then came a moment that shall live in legend, or perhaps infamy if your name is Willie McNuffle.

With linemen few and far between at the start of the second half, Willie was forced to take up the position himself and he lined up against none other than the mighty Blitzdozer! The Dozer driver cackled with glee as he revved up his death machine. But just then, before the dwarf fans could enjoy the spray of blood to come, a black an ominous cloud formed above the mighty machine. A green bolt of lighting struck forth, slamming into both driver and contraption. Smoke filled the area and when it cleared... a frog stood in place of the Blitzdozer!

Dwarf fans groaned. Hornets fans cheered. Willie screamed in terror. And thus comes a new term unknown to us prior to this game.

Ranidaphobia; the fear of frogs.

Instead of crushing his minuscule and helpless opponent, Willie quaked in his spiked boots and wailed like a six year old girl that had just dropped her ice cream. The dwarf fans started to laugh. The human fans started to laugh. Dwarf players started to laugh. Human players started to laugh.

Then, as Willie huddled in fear on the ground, the unthinkable happened. The frog attacked. A green blur of anger and vengeance hopped all over Willie, pummeling him into the ground with vicious hops that belied its tiny stature. So vicious was the attack that the referee stepped in and ejected the aptly named Frog-Dozer! Willie was carted off on a stretcher.

And the fans went wild again!

The rest of the game was a mass of pain inflicted by the dwarves, but with stellar play by Abe, Gerald and Stabby McStabberton... I mean Frederick McNuffle, the humans managed to win the game while being outmanned 12-6!

A painful victory to be sure, but a victory none-the-less for Nuffle's Hornets! And of particular note, both teams voted Willie as player of the game, perhaps not for the right reasons but for better than no reason at all.

- Neil
May 3rd, 2017 - old news
Praise Nuffle!
By reading the sacred texts it has become clear Nuffle is displeased. Nobody is quite sure with what, but one thing is clear; a roster shakedown was required. Exit the walking wounded and the critically injured. In... THOOOOOOOOOOOOG!

Nuffle has already blessed the mightier Ogre, showing his pleasure with the resonating sound of crunching bones and failed regeneration rolls.

Praise Nuffle whose gifts of luck and misfortune are to be embraced!
- Neil
Tournaments played:
Chaos Cup 2017, Blood Bowl 2017, Spike Cup 2018
Trophies won:
Chaos Cup: Chaos Cup 2017


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