Bolgrath Berserkers

Race:  Dwarf
Coach:  Connor
The Bolgrath Beserkers are a fine bunch of dwarves who happen to be channelling the spirits of ancient Earth alchemists. Who knew alchemists were such a hardy bunch.

Bolgrath Berserkers team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Dec. 6th, 2009 - old news
Dwarves Welcome Chaos Blessing
Basil, Albertus, and Heinrich all basked in the glow of the warp today - a celebratory offering from a chaos god.

"Well, that about does it for me" Head Coach Dr. Smash was quoted as saying, "we may make the rounds again if someone goes and gets too uppity."

With an 18 match undefeated streak the Bolgrath Beserkers will not be missed by their opponents. Taking expert murderer Basil Valentine with them, the league will be a little less glorious, but a heck of a lot safer.
- Connor
Oct. 25th, 2009 - old news
This Season's Seer
For the final spin up the seer predicts some sort of 16 player tournament setup (with maybe a round of bys for the top 4 team values...)

Semi-Final Knock-outs:
Karak Kadrin Ironskulls
The Dandy Wharballs

Finals Match-up:
The Decaying Devas
Bolgrath Beserkers

The Devas have a good squad, and necromantic teams in general have a lot of elements which make them difficult for dwarves to handle. Seer predicts either a spectacular blow-out for the Devas, or a slow grind with multiple overtimes leading to a Bolgrath victory.
- Connor
Oct. 17th, 2009 - old news
The can be only One
Recently Heinrich Khunrath and Fulcanelli became identical. Ever since a disturbance has been forming - a rift in the very fabric of the everworld. It was causing a literally terrifying amount of static cling.

Today, as Fulcanelli fell beneath an ogre's blow his weakened spirit was absorbed by the nearby Heinrich Khunrath. Lacking a spirit made the assistance of the Apothecary even more useless than usual.
- Connor
Oct. 4th, 2009 - old news
Chris may owe Ross money
I can't remember the terms of Chris's overly complex bounty, but Ross did manage to do some permanent damage.
- Connor
Tournaments played:
Mithril Spike, The Dungeonbowl, Chaos Cup
Trophies won:
Chaos Cup: Chaos Cup
Dungeon Bowl: The Dungeonbowl



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